
  • 品牌TRUMPETER/小号手
  • 型号05301
  • 适用年龄12岁
  • 材质塑料
  • 产地亚太
  • 适用性别
  • 比例1:350
  • 玩具类型塑胶玩具
  • 厂商小号手/TRUMPETER
  • 船舶舰艇种类其他
  • 模型类型拼装

  • Description

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    自由轮是美国二战时期应急大量建造的两型货船之一,另一型号名为胜利轮.欧布兰号自由轮是波特兰船厂仅用56天时间建成,于1943年6月19日下水.船长441呎,船宽57呎.因为自卫的需要,此船装备2挺5英吋舰炮,8挺20mm防空炮.欧布兰号自由轮是曾经参加1944年诺曼底登陆战并被保存下来的少量船只之一.实际上, 在诺曼底登陆战中,欧布兰号自由轮有4次护航横穿凶险的北大西洋,11次穿梭英吉利海峡的记录.从侵占海滩出发,欧布兰号自由轮远航加尔各答,菲律宾海,澳大利亚,1946年回到旧金山.后被海军封存.直到1966年,重新恢复其二战时的模样. 而且在1980年正式开放供公众参观.1994年,在法国诺曼底举行的登陆战50周年庆典上,欧布兰号自由轮作为一艘诺曼底登陆战的参战船只远航到了庆典现场.今天,在美国有此级的两艘自由轮被保存下来,而且只有欧布兰号被恢复其二战时期的模样.





    Liberty ships were American-made cargo ships that were designed to make only one solitary ocean voyage. Jeremiah OBrien was built in Portland, Maine, in 56 days and launched on June 19, 1943. The Jeremiah OBrien is 441 feet long, 57 feet wide, displaces 14,245 tons and carries a wartime crew of 58 sailors. To protect itself from enemy aircraft and ships, the OBrien carried two five-inch guns and eight 20- millimeter antiaircraft guns. The S.S. Jeremiah OBrien is one of the few remaining ships that took part in the D-Day landings in 1944. The OBrien in fact made four convoy trips across the treacherous North Atlantic. The OBrien made 11 voyages across the English Channel in support of the D-Day landings. From the invasion beaches of Normandy the OBrien also sailed as far as Calcutta, the Philippines and Australia before returning to San Francisco in 1946. Placed into mothballs by the Navy, the OBrien was saved from the scrap heap in 1966 to be restored to its original wartime fighting condition. Years of restoration work resulted in the OBrien being opened to the public in 1980. In 1994, the OBrien was the only ship that had taken part in D-Day that made the trip to Normandy, France for the 50th anniversary of the invasion. Only two of their classes, Liberty Ships, remain afloat in the United States today. Only the OBrien is restored to its wartime condition and she lays at anchor at San Franciscos Pier 32.



