
  • 尺码均码
  • 产地中国
  • 价格区间50元以下
  • 市场价100
  • 适用对象中性
  • 款式A-TACS荒漠废墟迷彩奔尼帽
  • 颜色其他

  • Description


    之A-TACS 荒漠废墟隐蔽迷彩!!!


    Boonie Hat A-TACS(Advanced Tactical Concealment System)


    颜色:先进战术荒漠废墟系统迷彩 A-TACS




    A-TACS先进隐蔽系统迷彩荒漠版本出现后,经过N多国家,N多军迷、US ARMY小规模装备的实践后获得了相当良好的使用效果,而在相当长的的时间内,位于地球温带附近的同学们一直需求着以原有A-TACS迷彩结构的丛林迷彩版本以适应该地区的战术行动需要,如今经过多方测试和研发,终于推出了A-TACS先进隐蔽迷彩丛林版本,更能适应温带环境特征的迷彩形状要素描,除了十分真切地模拟周围环境的深度,为了增加视觉的干扰,进一步打破了其他迷彩所不能达到的隐蔽效果,而迷彩图案更加是在A-TACS样式迷彩的独特概念上加上丛林树叶的基本色调,使之创造出一种全新的迷彩模式-我们命名为A-TACS/FG

    A-TACS FG camo images are starting to make their rounds. For quite some time, people have been requesting a green variant of the original pattern. It may have taken longer than most would have hoped, but A-TACS refused to take the faster, easier path of recoloring the existing pattern.

    “The characteristic environmental elements and shapes found in greener, more temperate settings needed to be addressed,” reads the photo album’s caption. “The answer was found in the creation of an entirely new pattern based on the A-TACS Camo’s unique ‘pattern within a pattern’ concept. The addition of simulated depth was also necessary in order to add visual disruption to further break up the human silhouette.”

    It’s been in development over a year and has had tons of input from industry and tactical professionals. It utilizes shades of green that have been “sampled from forested and transitional terrain elements combined with various shades of earth.”

    Designed to be effective in a wide range of temperate environments, the FG pattern is composed of organic pixels. These pixels are grouped in micro patterns that are then arranged in macro shapes. In combination with strategically placed shadows, this creates a unique 3-D effect.



