
  • 产地瑞士
  • 颜色分类浅灰色,深灰色
  • 运动户外项目登山,攀岩,攀冰
  • 品牌MAMMUT
  • 货号BIONIC
  • 吊牌价250
  • [ 深灰色 ]

    [ 浅灰色 ]


    SCREW LOCK丝扣版,用手拧螺丝紧锁死。130。
    TWIST LOCK版适合运动攀。拧着打开锁,一松手后锁死。145。
    he Mammut Bionic HMS Carabiner is designed and developed for high performance climbing, and is crafted with beam technology, a special, high-precision hot forged method, to help reduce weight while maintaining hig breaking load capacity. The Bionic HMS has a large arc radius to provide easy locking with all safety devices and knots, and the key-lock guarantees easy placement. This Mammut carabiner is ideal for multipitch rock climbing, sports climbing, gym climbing, classic alpinism, mixes and ice climbing, and is also suitable for expedition climbing.
    DECENT FEATURES of the Mammut Bionic HMS
    Developed for high performance
    Beam technology reduces weight while maintaining high breaking load capacity
    A large arc radius guarantees easy locking with all safety devices and knots
    The Key Lock guarantees easy placement
    The SPECS
    Weight: 72 g, 75 g, 78 g
    Breaking Load Lengthwise: 24 kN
    Breaking Load Across: 10 kN
    Breaking Load Open: 7 kN
    品 质:装备来自欧美网店和实体店。为各品牌合格出品,如有质疑请看官方连接。正品为国情说法。请不要戴着眼镜来询问正品与否。
    描 述:以英文为主,详情看官方连接,配以简短中文,细节可在线沟通。 或者GOOGLE查询商品视频,文字,图片及论坛讨论。
    外 观:锁具/保护器等金属器材从工厂到商店到客户都是裸奔,运输中会有摩擦,表面难免有痕迹及掉漆。完美主义请绕行。因个人感觉,色差会有区别。 颜色/尺寸/款式请以官方描述为准。
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